Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Autotech Services and Repairs - Why is it Important to find a Certified Technician

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What is Autotech? Why is a Certified Auto Technician so Important and why you should avoid one?

The Autotech or simply called, a mechanic.

Many people when they are looking for a mechanic, they try to find the most qualified person to fix their vehicle. But, unless your vehicle is over $25,000 dollars that can also be a big mistake.

A certified car technician can be very expensive, all authorized car dealers have certified autotechs. Every year this technicians go to class to learn the latest innovations and the how to repair, disassemble and put together the latest vehicles in stock.

So why wouldn’t you want to have one of these auto tech persons look at your car? well that comes all down to the money. Because of all those certifications they will charge you a premium for looking and fixing your car. They are also required to buy  autotech parts or dealer parts to assure the repair is done right or dealer guided OEM parts.

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When should you hire an AutoTech?

If you own a very expensive car or that vehicle has wirings and sensors that are not commun. Like some Mercedes Benz and BMWs have fiber optics running through them from sensor to sensor, those will require that a certified technician with the right computer equipment looks into them.

If you own one of those vehicles most likely you won’t be paying too much attention hourly rates and autotech parts cost.

Vehicles from manufactures like Tesla will not allow their vehicle owners to service their cars anywhere else but through their certified auto techs.

When NOT to hire an AutoTech and just go to the local mechanic shop?

You should go to a regular mechanic when looking at the current value of our vehicle and realizing that paying more for a piece of paper is not that important.

When my 2010 Volkswagen Tiguan broke down because of a leak in the radiator, I asked around for quotes, trying to find the lowest prices to get it fixed.

The dealer wanted almost $1200 to fix it, then I was recommended this “Amazing Autotech” place close to home Griffin Brothers and their prices where almost as high as the dealer, they said that their auto technicians are Volkswagen certified and that they also offered volkswagen performance parts. Bottom line I ended up taking my vehicle to a small shop where with parts and labor I paid $298 a huge saving the original dealer quote of $1200.

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Another great thing about non-autotechs is that you can buy your own parts, bring it to them and have them install them. Most mechanics will give you a warranty on their work and if they sell you the parts also. Some places like Autozone can even check your car battery to see if its defective or if your alternator is the problem, all for free and you don’t even have to buy the parts there.

For sure there is a lot of value hiring a certified technician when you can afford one; but most of us want to save money and not have to pay so much for the same service, when you can have the part replaced in your vehicle for a fraction of the cost.

Some mechanics will even go to the junkyard for you, looking for the part you need to fix your vehicle, just ask around and be ready to be amazed.


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